Sunday, January 16, 2011

Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin

High School. Tenth or eleventh grade. I think it was an English class (there were a thousand different types of 'English' classes at the time). We were put into groups and instructed to create emotion using music. The guy in my group said we needed to use this song, and he had an idea of how to pull it off. I don't remember the particulars, but I remember this.

He made some sort of 'space ship' that glowed and hung it from the classroom ceiling. It spun round and round. We set up the music, set the stage, turned down the lights and let it fly. Then he turned on this song.

When the lights came up we could see tears everywhere. Everyone seemed to be in their own space. Silence, everywhere.

I learned then..... it is awesome to be able to touch people, even when you have no clue.

1 comment:

  1. Music is the universal hope. Music is the universal connection and can cross over all barriers. If I had a "do-over" I would play many instruments and join the voices of the world. I would be heard. I would be powerful.

    This song has always left me in tears. That boy in your class who came up with the idea was gifted even if he wasn't aware of it. In that instance the class had become one.
